TIME:2022-06-29 Hot: 3185 返回列表
未 在 未在餐厅,座落在长沙湘江金融新区,偏居一隅。四围被现代化的摩登玻璃建筑与快速的车流所包裹。现代都市人一日繁忙工作后,更期待的是寻找一处心安舒适的所在,去收纳整理各自的人生境遇。 Weizai Restaurant, located in the new financial district of Changsha Xiangjiang, is far away from the hustle and bustle of the downtown area. It is surrounded by modern glass buildings and busy traffic. After a busy day of work, modern city residents yearn for a place where they can find peace of mind and comfort to organize their day.
这是一家以日本怀石炭火烧为主的餐厅,我们希望在这个场所注入东方含蓄隐秘的文化特质——“大隐隐于市”,并以空间的节制安静区隔周边的喧嚣繁华,释放内心的压力。 This is a Japanese kaisekiryouri charcoal barbecue restaurant. We hope to infuse this venue with the subtle and secretive cultural traits of the East - finding a peace in the hustle and bustle of the city - and to release the inner pressure by using the quietness of the space to separate the hustle and bustle of the surroundings.
01 竹松石 Bamboo, Pine, and Stone
入口处,设计重新改造了餐厅前场的有限的小坡地,并配以黑松、竹子、黑山石共造室外景观,形成过渡小庭院,通过相互之间的露与藏,明与暗,光与影,动与静,将场景的直白与含蓄进行关联比对,从而实现餐厅外围从喧嚣到幽、隐、静的转场。 At the entrance, the design reshapes the limited small slope in the front of the restaurant and creates an outdoor landscape with black pine, bamboo, and black mountain stones to form a small transitional courtyard. Through the mutual display and concealment, brightness and darkness, light and shadow, movement and stillness, the straightforwardness and subtlety of the scene are related and contrasted, thus realizing the transition from the hustle and bustle to the peaceful, seclusion, and quietness of the restaurants periphery.
02 亲和 尺度 Affinity, Scale
当人来到或经过庭院时,地面和景墙做了水洗石处理,这种怀旧的肌理会带给人轻松舒适。倾斜低压的屋檐,形成入口处的扁口过渡性空间,拉低的尺度增加了场域的亲和性,人们可以在这里停留、做短暂的交流,在触手可及的屋檐下,一棵黑松傍石而立,树下苔藓蔓绕,砾石满铺。庭院虽小而美,却有着鲜明的自然四季的变化,和近在咫尺的流光溢彩车水马龙都市生活形成强烈对比。 The floor and scenic walls are treated with washed stone, a nostalgic texture that brings relaxation and comfort when people come to or pass through the courtyard. The sloping downward eaves form a transitional space with a flat entrance, and the lowered scale increases the affinity of the field. People can stop by and have a short conversation here. Under the eaves, which can be touched easily, a black pine tree stands near the stone, with moss and gravel underneath. Though small and beautiful, the courtyard has a distinctive natural change of seasons, which contrasts with the city life in the nearby bustling traffic.
03 火炽 器质 Fire, Instrumental
进入大厅,玄关的纸质质感的艺术玻璃映衬地面的火炉装置,涌动着光与热的明暗交替,木质肌理的台面与吧台,提升了近距离接触的温度与舒适感;而地面与天花的曲度、盆景容器的材质则透出阴与凉,内收与谦恭。两者将东方美感特有的一体两面,阴阳相生融合在一起。——正如怀石炭火烧的料理艺术,食材在火炙下透出的光泽,在深色陶瓷器皿里融入的温和。 Entering the lobby, the art glass with paper texture used in the foyer reflects the fireplace installation on the ground, showing the alternation of light and heat. The wood texture of the countertop and bar enhances the temperature and comfort of close contact. The curvature of the floor and ceiling and the material of the bonsai containers reveal shadow and coolness, self-control, and modesty. These two elements fuse the two sides of the same body, yin, and yang, which are characteristic of oriental beauty.——Just like the culinary art of kaisekiryouri charcoal grilling, the ingredients shine through the fire and the gentleness incorporated in the dark ceramic vessels.
04 恭谦 内隐 Modesty, Implicit
通往包厢的通道空间本狭长逼仄,设计通过两个维度的曲线,在解决通过体验单调的同时,表达出含蓄恭谦的迎客姿态;随空间不断拉伸的曲线,形体的搭接犹如手作食材双手捏合,映射出专注、重复、坚持的匠人精神,对美食敬畏的神思之境,走道的尽头是包房的艺术玻璃隔断,金黄色的日光透过玻璃淌入幽暗的室内,光感的朦胧静溢似乎有着某种神性的存在,唤起人在当下一刻的感受和沉思。 The passage space leading to the private room is narrow and cramped. The design expresses a subtle and modest gesture of welcoming guests through the curves of two dimensions while solving the monotony of the passing experience. The curves that stretch with the space and the shapes that join together are like hand-made ingredients put together with both hands, highlighting the artisan spirit of concentration, repetition, and persistence, and the realm of divine thought of food reverence. At the end of the corridor is the art glass partition of the private room. The golden daylight flows through the glass into the dark interior. The hazy and quiet overflow of light seems to have some kind of divine presence, evoking peoples feelings and contemplation in the present moment.
05 白色 净手 White, Clean hands
根据东方人对器物特有的理解,设计将洗手台盆与基座处理成浑然一体的白色艺术装置。温润莹洁如玉石般的台面表层,手工雕凿般的侧面肌理,形成精致与粗犷的对比。基于不同迎光面,呈现出透亮的表皮与深沉的投影,呈现出极富冥想意味的器质之美。天花倒影着倏闪流动的水波光影,伴随着水声如同听禅,烘托出清浅氤氲的场所气息。饭前洗手作为就餐前的必备仪式,让用餐的体验流程多了一份期待与用心。 Based on the unique oriental understanding of objects, the design integrates the washbasin and the base into a white art installation. The warm and lustrous jade-like surface of the countertop and the hand-carved side texture form a contrast between refinement and ruggedness. Based on different light-facing surfaces, it presents a translucent skin and a deep projection, presenting a meditative beauty. The ceiling reflects the light and shadow of the flashing water waves, accompanied by the sound of water as if listening to Zen, creating a light and dense atmosphere of the place. Washing hands before meals as a necessary ritual before dining adds a sense of anticipation and intention to the dining experience process.
06 隐秀 吐纳 Hidden beauty, exhalation
经过通道前往包厢,墙面的弧形壁龛与落地盆景形成一立一平的两段弧形,通过光感勾勒轮廓,抹亮如漆器般深沉朴素的存在,静适而娴雅。而当日光不断变换投射角度,砾石与盆栽则将光线含吮其间,落在墙面上吐纳出浓淡变化之美,惹人思忖。——当我们以自然之手,从一无所有中创造出物与自然的关系时,这种美则有了生命。 Passing through the corridor to the private room, the curved niche on the wall and the floor-to-ceiling bonsai form two curved sections, one standing and one flat. The silhouette is outlined by the light, brightening the deep and simple presence like lacquerware, serene and elegant. While the daylight keeps changing the angle of projection, the gravel and the bonsai absorb the light into them and fall on the wall to reveal the beauty of the change of intensity, which makes people ponder.——When we create the relationship between things and nature out of nothing by the hand of nature, this beauty comes to life.
07 仪式 恬静 Ceremony Serenity
进入包厢内,双曲面穹顶的神秘与高度,营造出就餐的仪式感;曲面继续延续到克制的落地窗,适度内隐退让了室内与外界物景的关系,以更适合人们安静的接纳自我的心性,并专注于美食的体验。 Inside the private room, the mystery and height of the double curved dome creates a sense of dining ritual. The curved surface continues to the restrained floor-to-ceiling windows, moderately receding into the relationship between the interior and the outside objects, in order to be more suitable for people to serenely accept their own mind and focus on the experience of food.
一如餐厅出品的严谨与执着,谦卑务实的服务态度,空间将匠人精神的手艺追求,专注静守,以东方含蓄的材质与艺术形式呈现于场景之中;与那些石材、铁板烹饪时蕴含的无色香味,共同研磨出原朴和美的空间温度,神清气爽的心理境界。 一Like the restaurant production of rigorous and persistent, humble and pragmatic service attitude, the space presents the pursuit of craftsmanship of artisanship, focus, and quiet, in the scene with the material and art form of Oriental subtlety. With those stone, iron plate cooking contains colorless fragrance, together polishing the original simplicity and beauty of the space temperature, the psychological realm of refreshment.
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